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Mars, April 28, 3089
Ezzo Die... a.... ree.
What a poeteckhi word, Diearee, it slides right off my tongue just like the first time I repeated it after Momi. Also, the 'Ezzo Diearee' part, is that how my ancestors, the Earth Ones, would address such a book? I do wonder what I am to do with such a golden book that has all these blank, lined pages, anyways. Hmmm, I think I will ask Momi after lunch.
Same day
Dear Diary,
I have asked Momi (she showed me the correct spelling of you) and she said I should tell you about my life and treat you as a friend, not just as a book that she had saved for me when she was still living on Earth. Well, um, I am Batulinda (bat-two-linda) Qpid (Cupid) Paxe, born in Guiti, Mars on February 14. I have very dark brown hair, magenta lips, and fire red eyes. I am in the fourth grade at POM (Peachblossom of Mars) and am considered a weird creature. That is why everyone at POM calls me Coocu (If I had any friends, they would call me Linda.) My favorite color is red and I have a boiling temper. I admit that I am a picky person. Also, I love to write and hate to read! But, my hand is starting to hurt, so I won't write anymore.
April 29, 3089
Dear Diary,
Hi, hi! I am nempoptic to announce that a new girl named Re-alls Yu Tahitee has come to join fourth grade at POM. I am, of course, not saying I am glad she is also a misfit, but I am glad that I have a chance to befriend someone. I didn't get to talk to her yet because it was the end of class when she arrived, but I will, Diary, I will!
April 30, 3089
Dear Diary,
Re-alls is sweeter than I could have imagined! She is kind to everyone and is always willing to share. Re-alls is already popular with my class. It is no wonder- with hair so ruby red, eyes so violet, lips light pink, and an attitude just as beautiful. I have decided to be her guide to Mars and I will practice on you, that is, um, if you don't mind, Diary. (Don't worry; I won't talk about Mars for at least a few days after the whole guide to Mars.)
May 1, 3089
Dear Diary,
Re-alls has let me be her guide to Mars. She whispered to me that even though everyone is kind to her, she likes me best because I remind her of her mother who passed away back on Earth. I whispered back that my father died back on Earth too. We both thought about our parents for a long minute and then we started telling each other our hobbies.
Hi there, Diary!
Here is a summary of Re-alls:
Re-alls Yu Tahitee, born on Earth on November 14, is in the fourth grade at POM. Her favorite color is blue and she is calm and easy going. Re-alls loves to read and hates to write. I sure wonder why we even like each other. We are total opposites!
Oh, a good thing is that Re-alls has let me call her Al and she calls me.... Linda. Isn't it great to have a friend? Bye...for now.
May 3, 3089
Dear Diary,
I will give you a tour about Mars, now, since it is three days after Re-all's guide to Mars. First of all, Mars has grass similar to the grass you know on Earth except that it is a maroon color and is as soft as a bunny's silky fur. The sky on Mars is pale orange and when it has any clouds, the fluffy clouds are soft yellow. There is fresh water in Mars that is sent to us from Earth. The people on Mars, who like to be called Mars people rather than Martians, are the same as the Earth people with an exception of sometimes different natural eye, hair, and lip color. I am getting rather tired and I will describe my classroom and home tomorrow.
May 4, 3089
Dear Diary,
I will continue describing Mars as I have promised.
In my Classroom:
To get to school each day, the students use their Quan-Doexeean, a machine that instantly transports students to school. A Quan-Doexeean comes in assorted colors: ice blue, clear red, army green and sunny yellow. You can guess what I color I chose. Anyway, the Quan-Doexeean looks somewhat like an Earth portable restroom except a bit smaller. The QD (that's what almost everyone calls it for short) is very useful, especially when you're a little late for class. The QD is normally located in the student's room behind the bed. It only transports the student upon the parents' command.
Inside my classroom, there are flat, clear laptops and solid black desks and chairs floating in the air for each of the twenty-five students in each of POM's classes. To get to their desks, a student must whisper his/her password, which they had received on their first day of school, into a mini window on the left hand side of the desk. After the password is spoken, a tiny pair of wings gently flies the students up to their desk. There, at their desk, the student must do their own secret little dance once, before the desk will allow the student to open it. The dance will remain top-secret because when doing the dance, the students become invisible by the second law of Mars. (Since, Diary, you are private, I will tell you my little dance. First, I have to bang my fist three times, shake my head once, and then, jump as high as I can three times. I get so dizzy and tired sometimes!) The classroom's floor is Mars' grass and the ceiling is painted to look like Earth's sky. Books and school supplies on Mars are the same as on Earth except with better technology. For example, a pen would be able to fly. Anyway, the classroom is finally all known to you. I always felt guilty, not describing where I slaved J but now that guilt is gone: I'm free from that emotional prison. Finally! I'm super sorry, Diary, I am too exhausted to write about my home today.
Maybe tomorrow.
May 5, 3089
Dear Diary,
I think I'll write about my dwellings, today.
At home: My mom's name is Lina Wel-luv Paxe (I get to call her Momi) born on December 25.
Hair: auburn streaked gold
Lips: reddish
Eyes: a radiant mix of green, yellow, and brown
In my house, everything is neat because Momi loves to organize. Almost everything is our favorite color, red. In my house, we have two writing workshops that include everything needed to write, even a comfortable place to think and pour out your thoughts. My family (Momi and me) is normal enough. I think.
May 31, 3089
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry for not writing for so long, we sure have to catch up on many things. I will list differences, since I am trying to be neat like Al:
- Al has grown an inch taller than before
- I have grown two inches taller and I am now the same height as Al.
- My hair has suddenly changed from a deep brown to reddish-brown. Momi assumes it is from staying in the sun too long
- Al and I look like sisters and our class has started to call us Allie and Lie (my class still doesn't like me and think I lie)
- Al and I have had endless times of fun just girl talking.
- I have convinced Al to keeping a log of what happens each day and she had coaxed me into reading a book *SIGH* at least once a week.
- Al's dad has built the first Mars playground. Al and I will be the first to play on it. He had even let us choose all the colors for the playground! Mr. Matthew Tahitee is very polite and sweet like Al. Even Momi thinks so and she isn't easily impressed. Hey, is there any chance that Al and I will be sisters? Hmm...
June 1, 8089
Dear Diary,
Oh Dear! Another new girl has arrived at POM. She is almost as pretty as Al (She sure has beautiful aqua eyes) but she is Mean-a! Her name is Popstar E-a and she was born on Earth. I found out that Melody Evon was her real name. Well, of course, no humble person would have Popstar as a real name. Besides Melody Evon is a fair name. I guess Popstar thinks it not bizarre enough for Mars. Why I don't like her is because she actually likes being nasty to me. Everyone likes her (except Al) because Popstar also hates me. But you know what? Popstar is totally sweet to Al! But Al is a smart kid, she saw right through Popstar's act. Good for her!
June 2, 3089
Dear Diary,
Here is some more (bad, of course) news about Popstar:
- P.E. is my new nickname for Popstar. I'm not being mean; she likes me calling her P.E. because she says the name shows she stays in shape. P.E. says that being skinny is the most important thing in the universe and to be skinny you need P.E.
- Popstar has gotten on the good side of Mr. Tahitee. Uh oh!
- Momi thinks P.E. is The Sweetest because when Momi got sick, P.E. gave Momi some Talky Ocky. Momi absolutely adores that type of candy and thinks anyone who eats it is a sweetie-pie! So, of course, anyone giving her some when she is sick must be The Best! That's not so good.
June 3, 3089
Dear Diary,
I am not in such a good mood these days because all Momi talks about is how cool Popstar is and how I should be just like her, all Mr. Tahitee ever says to me is, "Where is that adorable Popstar?" or "How is Popstar doing today?", P.E. always spends time with Al even more than I can (though I know Al is just being courteous) and, well, just everything is pikjanick these days! Help me, Diary!
June 4, 3089
Dear Diary,
Well, how are you? I'm alive, just don't ask how well. I am not in such a mood to write nowadays. I don't like to write, talk, eat, smell, or do anything at all! You should know why. Yes, of course, it's that annoying Popstar! (I've stopped calling her P.E. because she only thinks I do that as a form of worship.) I know it isn't like me to use that 'shocking' word, annoying, for it is not allowed by Momi. But is it my fault Popstar is such a spoilsport? It is my fault that Popstar is everyone's favorite? No! I won't write until I feel better...
June 7, 3089
Dear Diary,
I have recovered, mostly, because there is a new trend that I must tell you about. There are new pens called Zeppinitez (pronounced Zep-pe-nights) that are the most gorgeous things I've ever seen! They write with supreme golden ink that seems to just float elegantly above the paper. Zeppinitez are also very eye-catching! Zeppinitez that are not in use look like the Earth Ones' sewing needles, but are much longer. They look like extraordinary Earth pens when in use. When needed, the owner will call their own names softly and the Zeppen (shortened form of Zeppinitez) opens up to the size of the owner's hand. Then, the Zeppen comfortably shapes up to a size that fits to your hand so that you can write or draw in luxury. Something astonishing is that the E-a family invented the Zeppinitez. Yes, that's right; Popstar's dad invented the Zeppinitez! I know, it sounds impossible, but it's true! Mr. Best E-a (yes that is his real name) had let me come into his workshop and see the first Zeppinitez being made. The first Zeppinitez was made right in front of my own eyes and I got to name it! You May ask, why I choose 'Zeppinitez', and I'll tell you why. It's because I was speechless after seeing the first Zeppinitez being made and the only word I could say was 'Zeppinitez.' By the way, Zeppinitez means 'wow' Bye!
June 8, 3089
Dear Diary,
Guess what? This might sound amazing, but Popstar is actually one of my best friends now. She has changed from cruel to compassionate in just a few weeks! I mainly like her best because she has lots of money. I really like talking with her now because she is caring and listening, sometimes even nicer than Al! Al and I now argue a lot, mostly because she says I am becoming rude and that I care way too much about what others think about my clothes and looks. Well, why doesn't she go and buy some better clothing! Popstar has much better clothes. All of Al's stuff are, like, totally out-of-fashion! She still wears the same hair style with the ruby red curls! By the way, my hair is dark maroon and layered.
It is now late in the evening
Ever So Dearest Friend,
I just figured that the way I greeted you before was, well, so very dull. You probably have noticed that my attitude has totally changed. I am now totally cool just like Popstar. I have stopped being friends with Re-alls because all she ever thinks about is having fun, and being nice, good and caring. I am finding more pleasure talking and teasing others' looks with Popstar. Popstar also has taught me how to be sophisticated by not using babyish immature words. Bye Now, I must rest.
June 10, 3089
Ever So Dearest Friend,
I have dreadful news. There have been reports of mysterious monsters all over Mars. The horrifying monster hurts people in strange ways. Instead of hurting people physically, they turn Mars people to be the cruelest people in the universe. Although I have not been acting like much of a friend to Re-alls, I am still shocked to write that she is now known for her viciousness.
Monsters change everybody! I know I'll also become evil soon. (When I write evil, don't mind me.) Even Momi and Mr. Tahitee are starting to bicker with me. Let me write a poem that will help me to always have some goodness in myself. If it is really inspirational, I will make another copy to keep as a bracelet.
Goodness is like a sunset, beautiful while it lasts. To spread goodness is to light up a sorrowing world. It brighten ups each day, it makes a difference in people's lives, and it "sparkles" a diamond ring, brightening the long, dark hallway of life.
Hey, I have a new bracelet!
June 11, 3089
Everyone at POM has been zapped by the monsters. All are pitiless and nasty. Sometimes I feel I should die instead of living with such self-centered people.
Does the time even matter?
It is so pitiful to find out that I am still writing in this stupid book. This is gross and disgusting! I hate you! I hate everything! I am going to go and read that weird poem again.
Sorry, I think the monsters have gotten into me. That poem really helps me find my true inner self. Anyways, it is so scandalous to find out that The Zeppenite was what caused the monsters. Yes, the stylish pen that I named! Anything drawn or written by the Zeppen came to life! I can't believe how easily I fell into Popstar's trap. She made me do those bad things, I had to! I mean, I was guided to do wrong and I chose to follow that lead. I made enemies with anyone that I looked down upon. I disrespected Momi and took her for granted. I lost my best friend and her trust. I hate those monsters! When will I learn to do anything better?
June 15, 3089
Dear Diary,
I have stopped complaining and did something. I have tried violence in the past few days. My results are a badly sprained ankle, skinned knees, and many bruises. (Did I just see that monster's eye sparkle with fear and frustration?) Since almost everyone living in Mars is wicked, I will try to use kindness over cruelty. Maybe everything will heal better with compassion. I know I sound like my ancestors, but, I believe it is easier to love than hate.
June 16, 3089
Dear Diary,
The loving doesn't work! I thought it would, but everyone is becoming worse. There is more pushing, stealing, and dishonesty. Mars people are even most selfish and it is all because of me! Should I try harder? Should I quit? I truly think I should stop trying. Maybe I will.
June 18, 3089
Dear Diary,
I have decided to stop. My work is done. I leave you.
June 30, 3089
Dear Diary,
I admit it, I have been thinking about Mars people. Well, I admit I have been doing a little more than thinking. Actually, I have been trying to heal the Mars people along with the monsters for the last few days.
July 3, 3089
Dear Diary,
I have totally healed the monsters! (The Mars people, well, they're a different story.) I used sincerity and much patience. Before, I had not always been willing to really be open-minded to what the monsters could do. I always thought that they would not understand my cause. I thought they were dumb. Finally, though, I realized that if I wanted to save Mars, I would have to do that with an open heart. I helped the monsters to understand that if they kept on hurting Mars people, they would be the weak ones. They would be the vulnerable if they couldn't stand up to themselves and have the courage to stop. I even showed myself to not doubt anyone's power. Well, even with the monsters helping, the Mars people are still a bit mixed up and confused. I figure that would take some patience before they are 'normal' again. Just watch and see. All Mars people (and monsters) will unite once again. Maybe not this month, but just give us time. Lots of time.