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Once upon a time fairies, dragons, giants, flying horses, wizards and witches roamed the earth. There was also a mean king who was selfish. He had a daughter whose name was Zoe. Zoe was very nice, how could she get mad at someone, she was an angel. One day Zoe was walking through the forest dreaming of finding a prince to marry when a giant hopped out of the trees. The princess screamed and the giant made a deep sigh. The giant introduced himself. "I'm the H.N.G. the Huge Nice Giant". I am not going to squishier you, that's what all human beings think said H.N.G. Zoe stopped screaming, and then a knight on a dragon came and asked Zoe if she was all right. The knight flew around the kingdom protecting the people from danger. She said "oh yes" this is H.N.G. he would never hurt a flee said the princess Zoe. Then the giants flying horse came with all nine of H.N.G.'s children and his wife. The kids shouted with glee and the horse landed. H.N.G. introduced Zoe to his family and told them that he had heard her thoughts about finding a prince to marry and that he was going to take her on a journey to help her find a prince. H.N.G.'s family were happy that he would be able to help her. When H.N.G. stopped talking all the other giants who lived in the forest started to creep out of the trees. All at once the giants said, "H.N.G. brought us peoples to guzzle up". H.N.G. said, "No, No, No, No, No, I is not letting you guzzle these human beings. He went on and told the other giants that if they guzzle these humans he would squish them all like a bug. The giants asked H.N.G. if he would do that to them. They explained to H.N.G. that they only want something to eat "please, please, please", all the giants said together. H.N.G. said "if I is letting you eat these humans I is needing to say no, no, no, and no again so good-by, toot-da-lou. The knight said " he does not seem very nice to me". The knight waited for a short time until he realized that Zoe was not in danger and then he flew off on his dragon with a warning to the giant to make sure Zoe would be safe. H.N.G. told the knight he would protect the princess. Princess Zoe then asked everyone to excuse her because she needed to get to the other side of the forest. H.N.G. said to the princess " please after you" and then told her that it would be easier if she rode on the flying horse. H.N. G. told Zoe that his wife and children would be glad to have her join them. The H.N.G.'s family said they would wait because they were looking for a special berry to add to their daily meal. The H.N.G.'s wife and children disappeared into the forest. Zoe said, that she would love to ride on the flying horse and thanked H.N.G. for his help. H.N. G. said well what are you waiting for "we got a ride to take". With that the princess hopped on the flying horse. Then they were off flying in the air up, up until they were out of sight.
Back at the castle the king was having a temper tantrum and was not a bit afraid that his daughter was with the giant. All the king was afraid of was that all his jewels would get robbed. The king had heard that other castles had been robbed by a thief and his castle was one of the last that had not been robbed. The princess on the other hand was doing fine, they were going to land in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and they were finely there, and just in time. It was dusk and princess Zoe said, "look at that sunset". H.N.G. said he liked the sunset berry much. Princess Zoe climbed off the flying horse and once she was on the ground she saw a castle. Princess Zoe started running down the path towards the castle and everyone outside the castle stood and stared at her. Suddenly a fairy appeared above her head and all the people started to bow their heads down. H.N.G. told princess Zoe to stop running and turn right towards the forest. Princess Zoe trusted H.N. G. and did what he said. She found herself in a forest and H.N.G. was already there waiting for her near a pear tree. She was delighted to see the fruit. H.N. G. reached up and pulled down a branch for the princess to reach. She grabbed a pear and took a bite, it was delicious, "mmmm this tastes great," she said to H.N.G. The giant then told princess Zoe to get used to eating pears because she would be eating pears for the rest of her little princess life. They both sat eating pears until they could not eat another bite. They gathered more pears to take with them on the reminder of their journey. The princess Zoe was so happy she had a great friend with her on this journey.
Princess Zoe walked away from H.N. G and sat on a large rock. She was in a deep thought when H.N.G. came and sat beside her. She asked H.N.G. why she would be eating pears for the rest of her life. He explained that the little fairy that appeared above her head was a special fairy only for her and required the vitamins in pairs to protect the princess. Princess Zoe now understood. The princess and H.N.G. left the forest and then found themselves in front of the huge castle. Well here I am said the princess. She knocked on the large front door. The door slowly opened and she stepped inside. "Wow" Zoe said. She was astonished because there were lots and lots of doors and she was afraid to open them. Then she saw a huge door that was decorated with gold. She asked the fairy to guide her and the fairy appeared. Princess Zoe slowly opened the golden door. Inside the room Zoe saw a prince and she introduced herself. The prince's name was Zack. He told her that he had been inside this room for along time and that only a true princess could open the door. Princess Zoe felt so brave and secretly thanked her fairy for giving her courage. She reached in her bag and took out two pears. Princess Zoe and Prince Zack ate the pears together. When they were finished they both had a fairy above their heads. Zack was a little surprised when he saw that Zoe had a fairy also. He told her that he could not get out of the castle because he had not taken the advice of a giant he had met on his journey to make sure he ate pears for the fairy to have strength. Zoe was so glad she could help the prince. Princess Zoe then remembered that H.N.G. was waiting outside. She told the prince that she has a good friend who is a good giant and he is waiting for her outside. They both left the castle and H.N.G jumped to his feet. Zoe introduced Prince Zack to the Huge Nice Giant. Zoe told the prince of her journey and explained that she was looking for a prince to marry. Prince Zack told Princess Zoe that he would be happy to marry her. Prince Zack asked Princess Zoe where she came from and then he saw the fairy bouncing above Zoe's head. He asked Zoe what the fairy was doing and she told him that the fairy was excited for her. She then said that they were a long way from her castle on the other side of the forest. Zack then said what are we waiting for and then H.N.G. whistled and the flying horse and a dragon appeared. The H.N.G. got onto the horse and Zack and Zoe got onto the dragon. They flew for a short time and then stopped to rest and eat pears. They did not know they were at the wizard and witches house. The old wizard and witch came out and explained that this is the place where most people come to get married. Prince Zack told the wizard and witch that they wanted to get married, and so they did. They then returned to Princess Zoe's castle and she told her father they were married and about her journey and the H.N.G. being such a great friend to her. Her father was happy for them and invited them to live in the castle. Zoe's father was still grumpy and mean because he always worried about his jewels. H.N.G. returned to the forest to be with his family and friends.
After a few months Zack and Zoe had babies and two fairies appeared above their heads and Zack's and Zoe's fairies disappeared. The babies now were blessed with the fairy protection and Princess Zoe always made sure the babies had lots of pears to eat.
Princess Zoe and Prince Zack continued to visit H.N.G. and the babies played with H.N.G.'s children, They were all so happy together and looked forward to the visits. And, they all lived happily ever after.