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Welcome to year 3999! By now, people can buy robotic servants, such as teachers and butlers. Also, you can buy kids from magazines, (Such as "The Right Fit) then you can either pick them up at warehouses, or have them delivered to your household. They can cost any were from fifty to over a million dollars. So if they send the kid to the wrong house...
"Who would want a kid that's only skill is that it can play soccer. It's the only thing people seem to care about these days." Mutters Sara as she looks through "The Right Fit".
"This one looks pretty good" said Charlie, not paying much attention to Sara. "It says this model is completely new and is a beautiful and enthusiastic singer." He said while turning the page.
"I've always wanted a singer in the family. What number is it?" asked Sara.
"I think it's 80#" he answered while finishing the description, acting a little clueless.
"It looks perfect." said Sara with her eyes glued to the description. "Lets order it."
9 long years later...
"Hi Wilma" greeted the son's robotic butler, Robert. "You have singing lessons today."
"I hate singing lessons!!!!!! ! !" moaned Wilma, as she walks into the elevator, goes up to the third floor, and walks into the music/singing room. "Good afternoon Wilma." Greeted Mrs. Chevy, skeptically, as if to say, I've had enough of Wilma Carlson and her horrible voice.
"Good afternoon Mrs. Chevy." Said Wilma with no enthusiasm sounding sort of like her teacher, Mrs. Chevy.
"Today we shall sing a country western song called Home Fried Potatoes." said the robotic music teacher in her high-pitched voice.
"I stink at country western songs!" Groaned Wilma.
"Nonsense! You just need to practice more." Said Mrs. Chevy. I bet you will have to play a country western song at the try-outs for St. Monds choir!!!!!! !"
"That's good because I don't want to get into some stupid choir!" said a very loud Wilma.
"You are going to be a failure Wilma Carlsont ! ! ! !!"
"Wake up Wilma! It's time to go to the try-outs for the Saint Monds choir!" said Joyce, Wilma's robotic maid, who was dragging Wilma out of bed. "Why don't you wear that nice yellow dress we bought on Saturday?"
"I don't want to get up! Groaned Wilma. "You know I'm never going to get into some stupid choir!"
"Have a positive mental attitude! Now I'd suggest you get dressed unless you want to go to the try-outs in your pajamas!"
"I'm moving as fast as I can!" Wilma almost yelled.
(Joyce goes out the door and down the elevator, as Wilma quickly gets dressed and follows.)
"What do you want for breakfast?" asked Joyce.
"Can I please have Lauren Michel (a popular soccer player) Crunch?" trying to persuade Joyce to pour her a bowl of the small flakes of cereal.
"Why don't you have Bach Chex, to get you in a music mood for the try-outs?" asked Joyce enthusiastically.
"I "in not eating that Bach stuff It tastes disgusting!" Wilma almost yelled, completely losing the innocent expression.
"And now presenting, Wilma Carlson! !" Said the announcers booming voice as Wilma walks onto the stage nervously.
"Oh say can you seeeeeeeee, by the dawns early light," song Wilma in a squeaky voice.
Thank you Wilma, you all may know proceed to the exit. We will tell you if you made it into St. Monds choir in about a week. And even if don't get in, I hope you know that all of you, well almost all of you, (looking straight at Wilma) are beautiful singers."
"You have an e-mail Wilma." Said Sara, Wilma's mom, loudly so Wilma could hear her from another room. "l'm coming!" yelled back Wilma as she ran towards her mother. "lt's from Saint Monds choir." Said Sara without much enthusiasm.
"'Dear Wilma, we at St. Monds choir are very impressed by your dedication and enthusiastic efforts. Even though you did not get into our choir, we are very glad you tried and hope you will again." '
Nancy Sisin
President of St. Monds choir
"Hi Mom" said the now 16 year old Wilma. I'm going to the try-outs for the Janson Knolls soccer team!" Wilma yelled walking out the door.
"Isn't the meeting for the Kanstan Hills singing club today?" asked Sara, Wilma's mother, finning after her.
"Yeah, they're today." Said Wilma.
"Well, do you mean that you are skipping a meeting?" asked Wilma's mother urgently. "Yeah I guess. SO?" said Wilma impatiently.
"1 hope you understand that if you miss 3 meetings in one year than they will kick you out."said Sara sternly.
"I know, I know" sighed Wilma, waving her hand at her mother.
"Hey Charlie, I was sorta wondering if you've been noticing anything about Wilma compared to the description from that magazine?" asked Sara when Wilma was at the soccer try-outs.
"Uh-huh. That description thing said that she would have a talent for singing, and I haven't exactly seen her going through with that." said
Charlie. "I don't she's the kid that we ordered."
One week later...
"I Got into the soccer Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Wilma.
That's nice. When are the practices?" asked Wilma's father, Charlie.
"Thursday afternoons" said Wilma with a tint of guilt. "The same time the Kanson Hills singing club meets?" said Charlie a little bit skeptically.
"PLEEEEEEEEASE May I go to the soccer team instead????! !" asked a pleading Wilma. "Maybe" said her parent in unison. "We will think about it.
Oh yeah, and Susan (Wilma's friend) sent you an e-mail."
"1 know, I all ready read it."said Wilma walking into the elevator.
"Can you get me a beer Robert" asked Charlie, who was sitting at the dinning room table with Sara.
"Sure." replied Robert, who goes into the kitchen, gets a Bud Light, then hands it to Charlie and goes out of the room.
"This is sooooo cheap!" said Charlie who then takes a sip of beer." We paid a million bucks for a wonderful and enthusiastic singer plus her robotic teachers, and we get a horrible and unenthusiastic singer. I bet some other people got our million dollar kid and we got their soccer player, who cost about $50!!!" Said a very mad Charlie who looked like lie was about to blow a fuse.
"Calm down Charlie!! We can just call that right fit company and tell them that we got the wrong kid. The only problem is we would have to give up Wilma..."
"What's that e-mail address again? " asked Wilma's mother. "right fit~qnullrnointian.com is what I think it is." Answered Wilma's father Charlie.(Sara types on her hand-held computer.) " This is interesting. You chat with one of there employees. Oooww, I get to chat with Mr. Wasdzer! I wish he'd hurry up, this is taking forever!" said Sara impatiently. (words come up on the tiny hand-held screen, and Sara becomes absorbs in her typing)
"I can't believe this!! Mr. What's-His-Name just said that we can swoop kids with the people in Japan that got our kid! !" Mrs. Carlson almost screamed. "We wouldn't be able to keep Wilma though" she said lowering her tone of voice. "We should forget it. She's way to old to not notice she's in different continent. It might be okay if she was infant, and wouldn't even remember us, but its way too late. I think we are going to have to deal with not having a singer in the family"
Obviously, the Carlsons kept Wilma. Eventually, they gave up on singing completely, and let Wilma join the Janson Knolls soccer team. At age 20, Wilma was asked to be on the U.S. soccer team. She however, declined the offer and had a successful career at The Right Fit, making sure all of the children were sent to the right house.
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