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As we are entering the twenty-first century, we are learning more and more about whom we truly are and what makes us that. We now know that we are made out of cells that are controlled by deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA; they are the blueprints of what we are today. DNA make up genes, which are the hereditary molecules. A mistake in the DNA is called a mutation, which makes us each special. Mutations create variations, which is ultimately the key to evolution. Perhaps through the years, we will learn even more about the fascinating mystery of the human body. DNA are large molecules that are made of four different units that are called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is made up of three elements. They are phosphate, deoxyribose sugar, and a nitrogenous base. Each of the nucleotides have it's own distinctive base, they are cytosine (C), adenine (A), thymine (T), or guanine (G). A phosphodiester bond links the nucleotides. Nucleotides are linked from one phosphate to the deoxyribose sugar, which is linked to a nitrogenous base. So the nucleotides are linked in a series, from a phosphate to a deoxyribose sugar to another phosphate to another deoxyribose sugar, etc. The order of the nucleotides change, and information is coded into the DNA sequence (Aronson 93). The DNA molecules are shaped like a twisted ladder: a double helix. Alternating deoxyribose sugar and phosphate molecules form the uprights of the ladder while complementary pairs of nitrogen bases form the rungs. The adenine pairs with the thymine and the cytosine pairs with the guanine. There are ten nucleotides per helical repeat. Therefore, the helices are antiparallel to each other (Belsie 99). But how does the information travel to the proteins? Ribonucleic acids or RNA take this information and pass it to the amino acids. While DNA is found inside the nucleus of a cell, RNA is found mostly inside the cytoplasm. Unlike DNA, RNA has ribose sugar instead of a deoxyribose sugar and it uses the nitrogen base uracil instead of thymine. Uracil can bond with adenine just like thymine does. (Dolan) However, RNA is a single helix while DNA is a double. Finally, there are different types of RNA. A ribosome is made out of proteins and RNA. First, messenger RNA, or mRNA copies the DNA code inside the nucleus and takes it to the ribosome. The transfer RNA, or tRNA are the adaptors. There are twenty of them, one for each amino acid (amino acids are the twenty subunits that protein is made out of). They pair up with their amino acid and take it to the ribosome for protein synthesis. The RNA inside the ribosome (ribosomes are made out of protein and RNA) or the rRNA is waiting (Dolan). Three nucleotides form a "codon" or a word that specifies one amino acid. Translation begins with the code: AUG - the only unique codon (Dolan). Translation stops with the code: UAA, UAG, or UGA. So, within the nucleus, the DNA code is transcribed into a complementary mRNA molecule. The molecule enters the cytoplasm where it associates with a ribosome. The mRNA code is then translates into a polypeptide chain. The codon AUG signals the start of the translation. An activated tRNA takes the amino acid to the ribosome and the tRNA binds to the AUG codon on the mRNA. The mRNA shifts, and the next codon is read by another tRNA. As the two amino acids are held next to each other, a peptide bond is formed between them. The second tRNA accepts the growing protein chain and the first tRNA is released. This process goes on until they reach a stop codon. Stop codons don't have matching tRNAs, and the peptide chain is released (Dolan). New DNA is made when a cell divides. Each daughter cell receives a copy of the mother cell's DNA. DNA replication occurs at the end of Interphase, the cells resting and growth period of the cell cycle. The DNA molecule unzips along its hydrogen bases and becomes two different strands. The two strands halves become two whole DNA molecules because the floating nitrogen bases, phosphate, and deoxyribose acid make up the missing halves (Kreitman). This is called the semi-conservative replication because each of the daughter molecules has one old strand and one new strand. The enzyme that synthesizes DNA is DNA polymerase. There are actually three different DNA polymerases, and the one that is used for replication is DNA polymerase III (Young 90). Mutations, or mistakes in the DNA usually occur during replication. Three different types of mutations are possible. Addition of a nitrogen base is detrimental only if the mutation occurred near the beginning. This is because all codons after the addition are changed. Subtraction of a nitrogen base is the most detrimental. This is because not only are all the codons after the subtraction are changed, but also because not enough amino acids will be produced. The last type, substitution of a nitrogen base, is the least detrimental. This is because only the substituted codon is changed (Kreitman). |
Original Code | ||||||
Addition of a Base | ||||||
Subtraction of a Base | ||||||
GTC | GCG | TCG | TCG | TCG | TCG | TC |
Substitution of a Base | ||||||
Mutations cause variation in a population, and variation is the key to Darwin's theory of evolution. Because of variation, each individual in the population is different. Some of the variations are bad and some are good. The good ones are called adaptations (for example, camouflage). When a population overproduces, they introduce more variations, and more variations insures survival of the fittest. Because there is only a certain amount of food and there are predators, some animals will not get the food and some animals will get eaten. However, the animals that have more adaptations will be able to reach the food faster and hide quicker from the predators. So they survive. The survivors produce more young that carry the same variations as them, so the competition gets tougher. As time passes, the population will become better and better adapted to their environment, and they will thrive (Biggs).
There is one more essential part of Darwin's theory. That part is mirror of change. The changes that occur in a population mirror the changes on their environment (Kreitman). If mice live in white sand, then the population will become white over time. However, if the sand becomes gray because of pollution, then the few gray mice in the population will be better adapted, and the population will slowly turn gray. This means that if the same species are in different environments, they will evolve into different species in time. All of this is controlled by variations in traits, and traits are controlled by genes.
Genes are made out of DNA, and are the hereditary molecules. This is because they are responsible for passing traits from parent to offspring. Genes are also called alleles, and a pair of alleles makes up every single trait. Alleles can be dominant or recessive. Dominant alleles cover up recessive ones. Pairs are homozygous or purebred when both of the alleles are either dominant or recessive. Pairs are heterozygous or hybrid when one of the alleles is dominant and other is recessive. Using a Punnett Square (as shown below), we can find the genotypic ratio (or the genetic makeup) and the phenotypic ratio (what it looks like) (Biggs).
T | T | |
Tt | Tt | t |
Tt | Tt | t |
Genotypic ratio - 0 TT: 4 Tt: 0 tt |
Phenotypic ratio - 4 Tall: 0 Short |
There are drawbacks to this system. One of them is incomplete dominance. Incomplete dominance, or co-dominance is when both traits in a hybrid show up in the offspring. For example, white and red flowers produce offspring that have pink flowers. Another drawback is polygenic inheritance. Polygenic inheritance is when more than one pair of alleles are responsible for a single trait. For example, in eye color, the first pair determines whether the eyes are brown or blue, the second pair determines the darkness, and the third pair determines the green or hazel tones. Multiple alleles may be confused with polygenic alleles. However, they are very different. Multiple alleles are more than two different alleles controlling a single trait. Notice that there is still one pair of alleles controlling the trait. For example, in blood type, there are three different alleles. The genotypes are AA, AO, BB, BO, AB and OO. AA and AO's phenotype is A, BB and BO's phenotype is B, OO's phenotype is O, and AB's phenotype is AB (as you can see, this is an example of incomplete dominance) (Kreitman).
Everyone has unique DNA, so we are all different. Scientists can use DNA to find criminals, lost people, and all kinds of other things. They are making biological computers using DNA, hoping that it will have artificial intelligence. In the future, we will be able to alter DNA, so perhaps we will be able to cure people of diseases like cancer or AIDS. Perhaps a blind man will see. One day, someone might be cloned, having a perfect replica of him or herself. What lies ahead we don't know, for we have just begun.
Aronson, Billy. They Came From DNA. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1993.
Belsie, Laurent. "Progress or Peril?" Christian Science Monitor 19 Aug. 1999.
Biggs, Alton, Lucy Daniel, and Ed Ortleb. Life Science. New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.
DNA From the Beginning. Dolan DNA Learning Center. 15 Nov. 2001. http://vector.cshl.org/dnaftb/1/concept/index.html.
Kreitman, Stacy. Lectures/notes. Feb. - Mar. 2002.
Young, John. Cells. New York: Franklin Watts, 1990.
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